Privacy statement

Jotem water solutions, located in Vriezenveen (the Netherlands), is responsible for processing personal data as mentioned in this privacy statement.

Contact data:
Jotem water solutions
De Watergang 16
7671 SW Vriezenveen
+31 (0)851 050 777

Personal data we process

Jotem water solutions is processing your personal data because you use our services and/or because you submitted this data to us yourself. Below you find a summary of the personal data we might process:

  • First- and surname;
  • Telephone number;
  • E-mail address;
  • Your activities on our website;
  • Your surfing behaviour at different websites (e.g. this other company uses tracking cookies);
  • Further personal data you intentionally provided, for instance at correspondence (mail) and by phone.

Special and sensitive information, we process

Our website and/or service is not collecting special personal data (e.g. race, health, political view, religious belief, etc.) and therefore it is not our intention to gain this information. We do also not have the intention to collect personal data from website visitors, younger than 16 years, unless they have permission of from parents or guardian. However we cannot check if a visitor is younger than 16 years. If you belief that we are collecting special personal data from a minor, please contact us at, then we will remove this information.

Purposes and basis for processing personal data

Jotem water solutions is processing your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To call or mail you, to provide our service, when necessary;
  • To analyse your behaviour on our website, to improve the website and to better adjust our products and services to your preferences;
  • Following your surf behaviour over different websites, to adjust our products and services to your needs.
  • Telephone number

Automated decision making

Jotem water solutions is not making decisions through automated data processing, about matter which can have (considerable) consequences for persons. This means decisions which are made by computer programs-or systems without interference of humans.

Time schedule for saving personal data

Jotem water solutions is saving your personal no longer than is strictly necessary, to realise the purposes of collecting you personal data.

Sharing personal data with third parties

Jotem water solutions is sharing your personal data with several third parties when necessary to execute the agreement and to meet eventual legal obligations. We have a personal data processing agreement with third companies, to take care of the same security level and confidentiality of your personal data. Jotem water solutions remains responsible for this data processing.

Third parties also collect data from our website by installed cookies. We only do this with your explicit permission. Read more about it in our Cookie statement.

Consulting, correcting or removing data

You have the right to consult, to correct or to remove data. Besides that you have the right to withdraw your permission for processing your personal data by Jotem water solutions. You also have the right for a personal data transfer. This means you can request us to send your personal data, stored in our computer, to you or another organisation, indicated by you.

You can send a request for inspection, correction, removal, transferring your personal data, withdrawal of permission or objection against the processing of your personal data at

To be sure of your personal data consulting request, we kindly ask you to submit a copy of your i.d. For your own privacy, mask with a black marker, your photo, MRZ (Machine Readable Zone, zone with numbers at the passport bottom), passport number and “Burger Service Number” (BSN). We will react to your request, with 4 weeks at the latest.

Jotem water solutions wants to point out that you can file a complaint at the National Data Protection Supervisor with the following link.

How we secure personal data

Jotem water solutions takes your personal data protection seriously and will take appropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure, and unauthorized modification If you feel your personal data are still not protected well or if you have signs of abuse, please contact us at

Cookies or similar techniques, we use

This website uses technical/functional, analytical and tracking cookies (from third parties). Read more how we handle cookies in our Cookie statement.

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Lisanne Schuttert

Lisanne Schuttert

Business Development Coordinator

Roy Rosink

Roy Rosink

Process Design Engineer

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Vastgestelde vrije dag

Op donderdag 3 april (vanaf 12.00 uur) en vrijdag 4 april is Jotem Water Solutions gesloten. Uiteraard zijn we 24/7 beschikbaar bij storingen, hiervoor kan met het algemene nummer gebeld worden: +31 (0)85 10 50 777.

+31 (0)85 10 50 777