
Plug-and-play system for nano-, micro- and ultrafiltration

We need to be able to count on water being safe. For drinking and for our processes. NX Filtration develops innovative membranes that filter out even the smallest pollutants from water. From dyes to viruses and from pharmaceutical residues to microplastics. We help them test and improve their membranes with our Mexplorer.

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Plug-and-play system for nano-, micro- and ultrafiltration

Mexplorer is a desktop unit that performs rapid filtration tests with different membrane types under different conditions. The unit then quickly provides information on water quality. Its compact design makes it easy to transport and allows it to be used in many and varied locations. Consequently, the units are widely used at universities and for training purposes.

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  • Suitable for different membrane types
  • Frequency-controlled pump for extra-wide control range
  • Plug & play operation
  • Light and easy to transport
Or do you need a solution to a water problem? We’d be happy to brainstorm with you about a custom project. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Like to learn more about our Hydro Pilots?

Or do you need a solution to a water problem? We’d be happy to brainstorm with you about a custom project. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Every drop it takes. That's what we stand for & what we do.

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