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Roy Rosink

Roy Rosink

Process Design Engineer

Gerrit Dommerholt

Gerrit Dommerholt

Consultancy & Sales

  • Water softening
    Softening process water facilitates the smart use of different water sources

    Water softening

  • UV disinfection
    UV disinfection inactivates water-borne pathogens

    UV disinfection

  • The power of the latest de-ironing technology
    Hydro Pilots

    The power of the latest de-ironing technology

  • HydroRentals
    Prevent downtime due to water problems with our Hydro rentals


  • Plug & play membrane filtration
    Hydro Pilots

    Plug & play membrane filtration

Vastgestelde vrije dag

Op donderdag 3 april (vanaf 12.00 uur) en vrijdag 4 april is Jotem Water Solutions gesloten. Uiteraard zijn we 24/7 beschikbaar bij storingen, hiervoor kan met het algemene nummer gebeld worden: +31 (0)85 10 50 777.

+31 (0)85 10 50 777