
Sand and multimedia filtration

Sand filtration and multimedia filtration

Undissolved substances such as suspended solids, algae or sludge can seriously hinder the water treatment process. They can cause blockages and system failures, or undermine other treatment processes. Therefore, to ensure optimal water treatment and reliable process water, sand filtration and multimedia filtration are indispensable components.

In sand filtration, a filter is placed early in the water treatment process to remove suspended solids and sand residues from the water flow. In case of stronger contamination, you can opt for additional filter layers: multimedia filtration. This ensures that you are guaranteed the right result, even with the most heavily contaminated water. By looking at the composition of the water to be treated, it is assessed whether an air flush is necessary in order to optimize the backwashing process.

Always the right solution for your specific challenge

Effective sand and multimedia filtration requires in-depth substantive knowledge. Not just knowledge of technological possibilities, but also of water quality and production processes. At Jotem, we have that knowledge in-house. As a result, we always deliver a solution that fits seamlessly into your processes.

We analyse your water quality, determine together the required end quality and create a system that achieves the desired result in the most cost-efficient way. This can be a standard solution or a fully customised solution. We stand at your side and brainstorm with you about realising your optimal water process. We don’t provide a quick fix, but a solution that delivers long-term added value.

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  • Standardized and customized solutions. The right choice for your specific situation.
  • Low energy consumption. Smart control ensures optimal use of filters and energy.
  • Strong circularity. High recovery to use water as efficiently as possible.

Smarter water solutions

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The specialists at Jotem water solutions find answers to any water-related problem. Solutions that are cost efficient, sustainable and fully customised. We’d be happy to see what we can do for you.



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