
Activated carbon filtration

Create assured safe water with activated carbon filtration

Some substances in process water cannot be removed by regular filtration methods. For example, pesticides, dissolved organic molecules or other toxic matter. Such substances can pose safety and health risks. Especially in the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry or in drinking water production. With activated carbon filtration, we help you remove such hazardous substances.

This process uses a filter bed consisting of granular activated carbon which absorbs the undissolved substances. When the granules are saturated, they will be regenerated or replaced with new ones.

The right activated carbon filtration for your process

Activated carbon filtration requires specialist knowledge. For instance, it’s important to match the filtration technology to your specific needs, the desired end quality and the existing water composition. As a specialist in water treatment, we stand alongside you in this and together we design the optimal system.

For example, a system that is tailored to the desired end quality and the lowest energy consumption needed to achieve it. In addition, Jotem water solutions works together with activated carbon specialists to select exactly the right carbon for your situation. So you can rely on optimally purified water, low energy consumption and granules with a long lifespan.

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  • Assurance of safe water. Removal of harmful PAHs, pesticides, odor and color.
  • Good pre-purification. Removes substances that interfere with de-ironing processes, for example.
  • Long service life. Postponement of activated carbon replacement through smart engineering & activated carbon selection.

Neem contact met ons op

Gerrit Dommerholt

Gerrit Dommerholt

Consultancy & Sales

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