
8″ RO pilot system for Vitens

Everyone wants the security of safe and reliable drinking water. Anywhere, anytime. This requires ingenious purification processes, where not only reliability but also cost efficiency is of great importance. Vitens is constantly looking for improvements and optimisation opportunities in this respect. We helped them with this by providing an 8″ RO pilot system for spiral wound membrane elements input control, and individual membrane cleaning and flushing tests in combination with champagne flushes.

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8″ RO pilot system for ingenious purification processes

Using the pilot system, Vitens is investigating different ways to use – and clean – their water purification systems as efficiently as possible. After all, the more efficient the cleaning, the faster the purification process. With lower costs as a result. We helped them by delivering a flexibly mobile 8″ RO system, equipped with SEMCA control software and various options for logging and analysing data. This allows the operator to monitor and control the system remotely, saving a lot of time. Thanks to this automation, the purification process becomes more efficient, robust and reliable.

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  • Customer-specific design
  • Smart & intuitive control system
  • Mobile unit. Easily portable and usable in the most remote areas.
  • Transport covers
  • Flexible tubing and PVC piping
Or do you need a solution to a water problem? We’d be happy to brainstorm with you about a custom project. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Like to learn more about our Hydro Pilots?

Or do you need a solution to a water problem? We’d be happy to brainstorm with you about a custom project. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Every drop it takes. That's what we stand for & what we do.

  • Electrodeionisation
    Reliable water demineralisation without using chemicals


  • Delta waterontharders
    Delta waterontharders

    Delta waterontharders

  • Effective wastewater reuse
    Hydro Pilots

    Effective wastewater reuse

  • Ultrafiltration
    Ultrafiltration as a powerful weapon against bacteria and viruses


  • Advanced oxidation process
    An end to pharmaceutical residues in waste water with an advanced oxidation process

    Advanced oxidation process